
Исправьте ошибки в t8extex.dll

Из соображений безопасности этот файл недоступен для скачивания. Мы предоставляем только информацию о том, как исправить ошибку DLL.

Исправьте ошибки в t8extex.dll

[2015-02-23 : support says:]

We believe this file is a part of a malware blocked by your security software.

It seems to belong to a toolbar of some sort.

Try starting Internet Explorer without extensions, and remove any new/suspicious extensions. Then try starting normally again. In Windows 7, to run your Internet Explorer in the no add-ons mode, Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

Quick method: press Start key+R to bring up the RUN prompt. Run the following command: iexplore.exe -extoff

A search indicates that t8ExtEx.dll belongs to the FunWeb/MyWebSearch family of potentially unwanted programs.

Go to Control Panel> Add or remove programs and uninstall any of these that are listed: Mywebsearch Bar - Smiley Central - My Way Speedbar - Search Assistant Mywebsearch - Fun Web Products - Fun Web Products Easy Installer - Weatherbug Companion - maps galaxy toolbar - mind spark -

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