
Исправьте ошибки в encryptor.dll

Из соображений безопасности этот файл недоступен для скачивания. Мы предоставляем только информацию о том, как исправить ошибку DLL.

Исправьте ошибки в encryptor.dll

2014-02-26 Support says:

We have only been able to find this file in relation to a program called "educk hack", claims to be able to get you access to other peoples data, like facebook accounts. This is in general speak called "Hacking", and is not only immoral, but highly illegal.

We have not been able to find a single copy of this file, and I personally doubt, that even if one found the file, it would help you in "hacking" any facebook accounts.

All "downloads" I have found for this file comes with demands. "Like our page", "Share our page", "fill out this survey, so that we get paid". To me, this feels like a non-working scam program, deliberately demanding a file that comes with commitments.

Surf safe, and respect privacy!

Regards, DLL-Files Support

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